Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Right Word

There are varying degrees of busyness. Busy implies actively and attentively involved in work or a pastime (: too busy to come to the phone). It can also be used to describe intensive activity of any kind (: a busy intersection;: a busy day). Someone who is engaged is also busy, but in a more focused way (: engaged in compiling a dictionary). Diligent is used to describe earnest and constant effort, and it often connotes enjoyment or dedication to what one is doing (: diligent efforts to rescue injured animals). To be industrious is to be more focused still, often with a definite goal in mind (: an industrious employee working for a promotion). Sedulous also applies to goal-oriented activity, but it suggests more close care and perseverance than industrious does (: a sedulous investigation of the accident). The award for concentrated effort goes to the person is assiduous, which suggests painstaking preoccupation with a specific task (: an assiduous student is the most likely to win his or her teacher's favor).

Can a thesaurus also be a tell-tale profile of recent activities?

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