Thursday, October 20, 2011

On Ideology

I am often asked to describe my ideology. I always reply that I do not have an ideology. That does not mean that I am a nihilist, nor does that mean that I am ignorant of the political philosophies that currently move about in this age. Rather, ideology – often encapsulated in revolutionary action – has wrought upon man more ill than good. Indeed, if ideology brings out the worst in man, I must argue that I am anti-ideological – that is, I favor the simple notions of freedom, decency, and order. Accordingly, I would say that I am simply in favor of the best of Western Civilization.

According to Russell Kirk, there are three great bodies of principle and conviction that tie together what is called modern civilization. First, there is the Christian faith –  the synthesis of the great cities of Jerusalem, Athens, and Rome. Christianity is the light of Western Civilization (and the world) as well as its Crown. Second, according to Kirk, is humanism, "which with the Christian faith, teaches us our powers and our limitations--the work of Plato, Virgil, Cicero, Dante, Shakespeare, and so many others." Third, the Law -- the authority of man to govern and to administer justice.

These three principles are the foundations of Western Civilization – particularly of the American republic. And these principles do I defend.

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